Intentionally doing nothing

My two most recent posts were of how my weeks have been going stress filled and feeling inadequate. While those feelings linger my intention for this post is the self care of doing nothing. I had take a difficult test, not the most difficult to come my way, but the anxiety behind that and work was putting me through the wringer a little be with deadlines and bureaucracy, in combination were all too much for the two weeks it happened in. So I am going to reward myself with mindfully and intentionally doing nothing. 


The art of doing nothing is not lazyness and/or I don’t have things that must be done (oh, because I do, I mean being an adult is saying things will slow down after this week until you die - Meme from the internet). When I was younger and would say, “estoy aburido” my mom would respond with, “pues pon te a limipiar.” This was not a bad thing, that is where I learned how to procrasta-clean, where you clean as a from of procrastination. Discursively, there is a sense that I should be doing something that doing nothing is a “bad” thing. Society has a way of shaming of doing nothing. 

So after my exam and these really stressful weeks I am going to do nothing. Nothing is a mindful and intentional state of mind where I am taking a day of self care, for me this consist of reading a new book that is for fun and not to further my knowledge in any particular area. Streaming the shows I want to watch, not in the escape reality sense (at least not this time) being aware of my thoughts and intentionally keeping them from taking over with a movement and breathe, talking to my plant, post on my blog, and meditation. 

I hope that as a people we can learn to appreciate what mental health advocacy and awareness has taught me from personal struggles. The art of slowing down and the art of doing nothing, because its something. 

P.S. I passed my test :]